Aliens Due to Land Thursday Night at Cleveland Stadium

Aliens are all set to land in Cleveland, Ohio next Thursday night, bringing a wave of excitement and curiosity to the city.

The news of the alien landing was first announced last week by the Cleveland Browns, who will be hosting the event at their stadium. The news has caused a stir among the local population, with many people excited by the prospect of seeing an alien for the first time.

The landing is expected to take place at roughly 8 pm and will be broadcast live on a local public access television station. The Browns plan to open up the stadium for the event and allow people to come and watch. They are encouraging people to dress up in creative costumes and bring their cameras to capture the event.

The aliens, who have not yet been identified, are expected to hold a brief press conference and answer questions from the media. They are also expected to address the public and explain why they have come to Earth.

The Browns have also announced that they will be providing free food and drinks for the event, and have invited local musicians to perform at the stadium. They are also giving away free tickets to anyone interested in attending.

This is not the first time aliens have visited Earth, but it is the first time they have agreed in advance to consume both alcohol and recreational drugs. The aliens maintain they are doing so because they don’t want humans to think that they’re ‘uptight’ simply because they have mastered faster than light travel.